Saturday, July 15, 2006


Well, today is July 15th, which means it's been exactly six months since I left the U.S. and began this trip. I have to say, sometimes it seems like it hasn't been that long--but at other times it feels like a frickin' eternity! Here at the halfway point, I wish things were a little more certain concerning the future of the trip, but I will say that haven't had any regrets so far.

To celebrate this milestone, I had a couple of beers at the Cactus Bar, along with a celebratory spring roll from a street vendor.

Of course, I wish that Chris were here to celebrate with me, but he's dealing with more important things right now....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

11:43 AM, August 12, 2006  

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