Friday, July 07, 2006


Travel Tip #8: There ARE such things as bedbugs, and they DO bite.

After a relatively sleepless and itchy night (see above), and a 5 am transfer to the hammock outside my bungalow, suffice it to say that I am now staying at a different location a little ways down the beach!

Other than that, not much news to report. I finally felt up to going for a swim yesterday, since the beach is only about 50 feet from my bungalow. It's a nice beach, but the water isn't nearly as crystal-clear as it is in the Perhentians, and it's a little more crowded with tourists. Still, I guess I shouldn't complain.

Oh, and at night I finally got to see The DaVinci Code at one of the local restaurants (strangely, the Latin dialogue was subtitled in Russian, but the French dialogue wasn't subtitled at all--luckily, most of it is in English!) I'm always bothered when they change the story from book to screen for no apparent reason, and there were a few changes like that here. Some things worked pretty well, but the critics are right in pointing out that there are more than a few boring and incomprehensible parts as well. The Catholic Church ought to oppose it on THOSE grounds! (They definitely seem to know a thing or two about boring and incomprehensible....)


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