Friday, May 19, 2006


Favorite Things About Indonesia:
  • Cheap Food. And good restaurants, too!
  • The Gili Islands. Should be in the dictionary under "Chill."
  • Taman Nasional Komodo. The National Park administration may be bogus, but the park itself is amazing, both above and (especially) below the waves.
Least Favorite Things About Indonesia:
  • Hayun. Our worthless "guide" and driver on Flores.
  • All the litter. Indonesia is an incredibly lush and beautiful natural paradise, but its roadsides and rivers are choked with tons of discarded plastic bags, bottles, and other garbage, and the skies are hazy with smoke from burning trash. Give a hoot, people!
Biggest Regret:
  • Not getting to hear a gamelan orchestra performance.


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