Favorite Things About Egypt:
- The Pyramids at Giza. One Canadian tourist had the gall to sniff that they weren't that impressive, and he "thought they would be bigger." I wanted to smack him. "What WOULD he find impressive?" wondered another tourist. Good question!
- The Temple of Karnak. The. Ultimate. Egyptian. Temple. End of story.
Least Favorite Thing About Egypt:
- Baksheesh. That means tipping, and it's expected for every damn thing, from door-openers to picture-takers to the guy who rushes up and offers unsolicited information about some ancient tomb. I know, when in Egypt, tip everybody, but keeping track of who to tip and how much to pay them occupied far too much of my time here. By the time I got a handle on it, it was time to leave.
haha... bakshesh... i agree with you. it gets really annoying whenyour at a tourisic site or a tourist in any area. sorry, i should introduce myself. Laila, from alexandria. but et me tell you, tipping could do you wonders in egypt.
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