Monday, January 30, 2006


We've now had three days of nearly constant rain. Sometimes it's just a drizzle, and sometimes it seems like we're in the middle of a tropical storm. There's not much to do here when it's like this--the island paths become rivers of mud, and the sea is churned up into a grey froth, so basically all land- and water-based activities are a wash. Literally.

This afternoon we left Korovou and transferred to the Octopus resort on the island of Waya, an hour to the south. This is actually the resort that the woman on the plane to Denver recommended to us. It's a nice place, for sure, in a very cool setting. With its jagged volcanic peaks, Waya looks a lot like Skull Island from King Kong, especially on days like today, when they're covered in clouds and mist.

People met today:
  • Andrew and Rachel from Jersey (the island between England and France, not the state next to New York).
  • Doug from the UK, who gave us loads of info on traveling in India.
  • Marko and Jonas from Sweden. Marko gave us a brilliant breakdown of the social dynamics of Scandiniavian cultures, but all I can remember from it is that the Finns drink a lot, and the Swedes make fun of them.


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